Stanley's Dream Scholarship

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Deadline Varies
Awards Available: 2

Scholarship Description

Stanley's Dream awards two college scholarships each year to graduating seniors within the Chester County school district. Stanley’s family created Stanley’s Dream to continue their son’s legacy, making his unfulfilled dream to attend college a reality for other students. Stanley’s Dream was established in 2004 by Stan & Donna Edwards as a way to keep their son Stanley’s legacy alive through the awarding of research grants for childhood brain cancer research, as well as providing annual college scholarships to graduating seniors in his name.

Stanley Edwards had a dream: his dream was to attend college. Unlike many 12-year olds, achieving his dream was complicated by the battle he was fighting against brain cancer. A gifted student and promising athlete, Stanley was diagnosed with a brain tumor at age 12. Despite unthinkable obstacles, Stanley persevered toward his dream. Stanley unfortunately passed away in 2002. In a tribute to this courageous young man, his family created Stanley’s Dream to continue his legacy. Scholarship Search