The Prochnow Foundation Scholarship

April 30, 2025
Awards Available: 1

Scholarship Description

The Prochnow Foundation for Mental Health's annual scholarship program seeks to reward one high-achieving student with a diagnosed mental illness with a scholarship to a four-year college or full-length trade school. The foundation believes mental health-related scholarships and professional development programs materially lack those provided to other segments of the population, despite 20% of U.S. adolescents living with a diagnosable mental health disorder. The foundation is proud and excited to reduce the financial burden of a high-achiever in pursuit of his or her education, career, and personal development.

The Prochnow Foundation believes a particular stigma exists for high-performing students and professionals with mental illnesses, and there are limited mental health resources specifically focused on these individuals. The Foundation’s mission is to serve this population through an annual scholarship fund, college- and career-focused mentoring programs and in-person speaking events. The Foundation’s network includes professionals in finance, law, medicine, and counseling, many of whom have experience with mental illnesses. Scholarship Search