Updated: July 10, 2023

Nicholas C.

2006 Scholarships.com Resolve To Evolve Scholarship Winner

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Nicholas C.

Scholarships.com: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Nicholas C: In 10 years, I see myself doing chemical research somewhere. Aside from that very basic picture, I have no idea what I'll be doing in 10 years.

SDC: How do you think a college education will help you get there?

NC: A college education will allow me to do research because it’s impossible to get a job doing research without a college degree, and a degree in chemistry will give me the knowledge to be able to do effective research.

SDC: Winning a scholarship means different things to different students. What does your scholarship mean to you or why do you feel it is a significant accomplishment?

NC: For me, my scholarship gets me that much closer to paying for college. Receiving the scholarship was an honor, and every little bit helps with college tuition, and the scholarship helps with that.

SDC: What university do you attend?

NC: I attend Georgetown University.

SDC: Why did you choose that particular school?

NC: Of the colleges I was deciding between, the atmosphere at Georgetown was by far the best. When choosing schools, I didn't speak to a single Georgetown student who regretted choosing Georgetown. Georgetown is the only school where that was true for me.

SDC: Have you been satisfied with your decision thus far?

NC: Choosing Georgetown was one of the best decisions of my life. It was definitely the right decision.

SDC: What advice would you give to the class of seniors who are now making decisions about their college careers?

NC: I would recommend that seniors should visit their top few choices if they can. Campus visits really gave me a good idea of what schools I would've liked to attend and which schools weren’t at the top of my list.