Updated: December 7, 2023

Advanced Placement (AP) Classes

Build Critical Thinking Skills

Advanced Placement courses demand academic excellence from their participants. If you enroll in Advanced Placement, expect to be challenged. Advanced classes require high levels of critical thinking and analytical skills to prepare for the AP Exam, and the future courses students will take throughout college.

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Develop Study Habits

Advanced Placement classes contain a heavy work load. If general high school courses haven't forced students to develop a study routine, the AP program certainly will. For students involved many extracurricular activities or who work after school, Advanced Placement classes may add too much to the work load. Before committing to an AP course, students should ensure that their schedule allows sufficient time and flexibility to make the most of the class and prepare for the exam.

Study Subjects That Interest You

For students who already know their intended major, use AP courses to your advantage by selecting courses relevant to that major during junior and senior year of high school. For example, students interested in English as a major should take AP English to study at a rate compatible to a college freshmen courses. If a student scores well on the AP Exam, they will receive credit for the course and be able to advance to an upper level college classes as a freshman. Participating in Advanced Placement also provides an opportunity for students to test the waters in subjects required for a specific career path after college.

Receive College Credit

It is possible to receive college credit for your Advanced Placement courses, counting for general education requirements. Most institutions credit students who score well on the AP Exam, including some universities outside of the United States. To receive AP credit universities require a score of at least a 4 out of 5 on the AP Exam. If you do not score well enough on the exam, AP courses will at least demonstrate what is expected of students in college classes.

Challenge Yourself

High school students often feel there is little value for high school courses in the real world. Advanced Placement is a great opportunity for students who want to kick start their careers before college, because AP classes will replace general education requirements pushing students immediately into their desired area of study. AP courses are challenging, and instill a strong work ethic in students that enroll, providing them with the skills to be successful in any situation. Success in these classes requires mutual commitment between the student and the teacher. Students who take these courses seriously find that they are more prepared to attend college than other students because of the work involved in those courses .

Encourage Teamwork

Not only will the AP program provide you with interesting and challenging curriculum, but it will also encourage teamwork through group projects and in class discussions. Because the program promotes critical thinking, class discussions and peer support are integral in the learning process supported by the dynamic curriculum. These types of interactions will prepare students for the classes they will encounter their first year of college. Success often depends on the ability to share ideas and opinions within a group and exercise problem solving skills. These skills are practiced daily in Advanced Placement courses, and will give students an edge when moving up to higher education.