AT&T Ability ERG Scholarship

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Scholarship Description

The purpose of the Ability scholarship is to raise awareness of and sensitivity towards people with disabilities – it is not limited to applicants with disabilities. The number and value of scholarships awarded each year will vary based on the number of quality applicants received and the funds available. The scholarship money amount will vary and can be used towards any college related costs, to include tuition, room/board, and books. Checks will be mailed directly to your University or College.

Applicants are eligible regardless of major or area of study. Applicants who meet all criteria, including AT&T employees and their families, are eligible to apply. Applicants must enroll in an accredited (2-year or 4-year) undergraduate program within the U.S. for the coming academic year. Applicants must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident. There is no age limit. Applicants must initial a release authorizing Ability to use the applicant’s name on the Ability website and in the Ability newsletter. Scholarship Search