Emily & Hugh Kendrick Family Scholarship

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Scholarship Description

Apply now for the Emily & Hugh Kendrick Family Scholarship, an annual award totaling $1,000, generously provided by Emily and Hugh Kendrick. This scholarship aims to support students pursuing higher education, with a focus on those from Georgia, Wyoming, or Colorado, the home states of the Kendrick family. Here are the key details:

Scholarship Details

  • One award per year totaling $1,000
  • Designed for a student from Georgia, Wyoming, or Colorado, or from states where Arrow Exterminators does business (GA, FL, TN, VA, NC, SC, KY, AL, MS, TX, AZ)
  • Priority given to those with family members serving in the pest control industry
  • Recipient commits to writing a letter of appreciation outlining how the scholarship aided in their academic endeavors

Eligibility Criteria

  • High school graduate entering college or trade school
  • Full-time student with a good academic standing (3.0 GPA or better on a 4.0 scale)
  • First preference given to applicants from Georgia, Wyoming, or Colorado
  • Otherwise, applicants must be from states where Arrow Exterminators does business

Application Process

  1. Submit resume or curriculum vitae
  2. Provide current unofficial academic transcript
  3. Write a one-page (minimum) essay outlining professional goals and aspirations in the field of urban pest management
  4. Include at least one letter of recommendation addressing work ethic and academic progress
  5. Submit additional supporting documents if available

Don't miss the opportunity help to pay for your education with the Emily & Hugh Kendrick Family Scholarship. Take the first step toward achieving your academic and professional goals and apply today.

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