Updated: June 4, 2024

Texas Scholarships

Group of college students smiling and laughing on Baylor Campus

They say that everything is bigger in Texas - and it seems that includes scholarships for college students. Texas scholarships supply a massive amount of financial aid for aspiring students each year. Maximizing those scholarship opportunities as a Texas resident or college attendee can help you minimize your student loans and make it easier to attend college without having to worry about untenable student loan debt upon graduation.

Continue reading the article below the scholarship list.

25 Texas Scholarships with Approaching Deadlines

What is a Texas Scholarship?

There are many scholarship providers that focus on a specific region or state. And as the second-most populous state in the country, Texas has a wide variety of local scholarships as well as a number of scholarships for those not from Texas, but attending college in the Lone Star State.

There are Texas scholarships for students living anywhere in the Lone Star State, as well as for those living in specific cities or counties. For example, the Mark Kilroy Foundation Scholarship program only gives out awards to students from Brazoria or Galveston County.

Some Texas scholarships may be considered merit scholarships and are given to students for general academic success, while others include more specific career or academic requirements. For example, the G.B. Mann Scholarship is given to a student who is majoring in civil engineering and is also from Collin, Cooke, Dallas, Denton, Ellis, Kaufman, Navarro or Rockwall County.

How to apply for Texas Scholarship

Requirements for Texas scholarships may vary depending on the provider. First, start by compiling all of the scholarships you’re eligible for and rank them by the due date. Make sure to focus on the scholarships you’re a good fit for.

To qualify for a school-based scholarship, you may have to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Many schools mandate that students submit the FAFSA before they can be considered for internal grants and scholarships.

Also, if you’re attending school in-state, you must submit the FAFSA to receive the TEXAS Grant, a state-based grant only given to local students attending a Texas school. The Tuition Equalization Grant Program (TEG), which provides up to $5,246 per year, also requires the FAFSA.

Types of Scholarships Available for Texas Residents

There are a variety of scholarship opportunities available for Texas residents. These scholarships cater to different needs and backgrounds, providing financial assistance to deserving students looking for associate and or undergraduate degrees.

One type of scholarship is based on financial need. These scholarships are designed to help students who come from difficult circumstances and require financial support to pursue their education.

Another type of scholarship is based on academic achievement. These scholarships recognize students who have demonstrated exceptional academic records and provide them with financial assistance to further their studies.

Furthermore, there are scholarships that are specifically targeted towards different ethnicities. These scholarships aim to support minority students by providing them with financial aid to pursue their educational goals.

Additionally, many universities in Texas offer scholarships to incoming freshman and current college students. These scholarships vary in eligibility requirements, such as Texas Tech University and Texas A&M University providing academic scholarships to undergraduate students.

Apart from universities, corporations also offer scholarships in specific fields or for students from a particular area. These scholarships are typically merit-based and require students to demonstrate their skills or talents in a specific area of study.

Overall, there are numerous scholarship opportunities available for Texas residents, ranging from financial need-based scholarships to academic achievement-based scholarships. Additionally, scholarships based on ethnicity, gender, and specific fields of study are also available, providing students with a wide range of options to support their college education.

Eligibility Requirements

Eligibility Requirements for Texas Scholarships:

To qualify for scholarships in Texas, students must meet specific eligibility requirements. These requirements can vary depending on the scholarship program and the institution or organization offering it. Many scholarships in Texas are merit-based, meaning they are awarded to students who demonstrate exceptional academic achievement or possess special talents in a particular field of study. Academic scholarships often require students to maintain a certain GPA or meet specific academic criteria. Additionally, some scholarships are targeted towards specific ethnicities or minority groups, aiming to support and increase diversity in higher education. Other scholarships may be need-based, providing financial assistance to students from difficult circumstances or low-income backgrounds. It's important for students to carefully review the eligibility requirements for each scholarship they are interested in to ensure they meet the necessary criteria for consideration.

Age Requirements

When it comes to scholarships in Texas, age requirements can vary depending on the scholarship program or institution. While many scholarships do not have a specific age requirement, some may have minimum or maximum age limits for eligibility.

For most scholarships, there is no minimum age requirement, meaning students of any age can apply. However, certain scholarships may have specific age criteria. For example, there are scholarships specifically designed for high school seniors or incoming freshmen. These scholarships may require applicants to be within a certain age range, typically between 14 to 18 years old.

On the other hand, there are scholarships available for older students as well. Some scholarships target adult learners or non-traditional students who may have taken a gap year or are returning to school after a break. These scholarships may have a maximum age limit, usually around 25 to 30 years old.

It's important to carefully review the eligibility requirements of each scholarship program to determine if there are any age-related criteria. Keep in mind that age restrictions may vary greatly depending on the scholarship, so it's crucial to research and identify scholarships that align with your age and current educational status.

In summary, while age requirements for scholarships in Texas can vary, there are options available for students of all ages, from high school students to adult learners. Be sure to check the specific age criteria for each scholarship program to find the ones that best suit your needs and qualifications.

Citizenship Status

When it comes to citizenship status requirements for Texas scholarships, there is a range of criteria to consider. In many cases, U.S. citizenship is not mandatory, and both U.S. citizens and eligible non-citizens, such as permanent residents or DACA recipients, may apply for scholarships. However, it is essential to note that some scholarships specifically require U.S. citizenship.

International students studying in Texas may also be eligible for certain scholarships. Many universities and colleges in Texas offer scholarships specifically for international students, recognizing the value of diverse perspectives and experiences.

It is crucial for students to carefully review the requirements of each scholarship program to determine their eligibility based on citizenship status. Some scholarships may have additional criteria or restrictions for specific groups, so be sure to thoroughly research and identify scholarships that align with your citizenship status and educational goals.

School Enrollment Requirements

To be eligible for scholarships in Texas, students must meet certain school enrollment requirements. These requirements vary depending on the type of scholarship and the institution offering it.

Scholarships in Texas are available for high school students, undergraduate students, and graduate students. High school students can apply for scholarships to fund their college education, while undergraduates can receive scholarships based on their academic performance, community service, social action, or other criteria. Graduate students can also find scholarships specific to their field of study or academic achievements.

Applicants must fulfill specific eligibility criteria to be considered for scholarships. These criteria often include academic achievements, financial need, community involvement, or belonging to a certain demographic group like minority or international students.

It is important for applicants to adhere to specific guidelines and deadlines when submitting their scholarship applications. Applications generally require submitting personal information, academic records, recommendation letters, and essays. Applicants should pay attention to all the requirements and ensure that their applications are complete and submitted before the specified deadline.

By meeting the school enrollment requirements and fulfilling the necessary criteria, students in Texas can have access to various scholarships that can help alleviate the financial burden of their education.

Academic Achievement Requirements

Academic achievement is a key factor in determining eligibility for scholarships in Texas. To qualify, students must meet certain criteria related to their academic record and performance.

The specific requirements vary depending on the scholarship and the institution offering it. In general, applicants are expected to have a strong academic record, which includes maintaining a minimum GPA and meeting standardized test score benchmarks.

GPA minimums are commonly used as a measure of academic achievement. Scholarships may require a minimum GPA of 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale, although some scholarships may have higher or lower minimums.

Standardized test scores, such as the SAT or ACT, are often considered in scholarship evaluations. Specific score requirements may vary, but scholarships may require scores in the upper percentiles to demonstrate academic excellence.

In addition to GPA and test scores, scholarships may also have additional academic benchmarks. These may include completion of advanced or honors-level courses, participation in academic competitions or programs, or enrollment in a specific degree program or field of study.

Meeting these academic achievement requirements is essential for scholarship eligibility. Students should regularly track their academic performance, strive for excellence, and review the specific criteria outlined by each scholarship program to increase their chances of securing financial support for their education.

Financial Need Requirements

Financial need is an important factor in determining eligibility for scholarships in Texas. Many scholarships have specific financial need requirements to ensure that they are awarded to students who require financial assistance to pursue their education.

Scholarship funds can be an invaluable resource for students as they can help cover the gap between federal aid and tuition costs. While federal aid, such as grants and student loans, can provide some financial support for students, scholarships can further alleviate the financial burden by providing additional funds.

To demonstrate financial need, students are usually required to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). FAFSA collects information about a student's family income, assets, and other financial factors to determine their financial need. This information is used by scholarship committees to assess eligible students for scholarships that have financial need requirements.

By awarding scholarships based on financial need, institutions and organizations can help ensure that deserving students who may not have the means to afford college expenses are given the opportunity to pursue higher education. Scholarships can provide much-needed financial support to students and enable them to focus on their studies without the worry of financial burdens.

Popular Scholarships in Texas

Texas offers a surfeit of scholarship opportunities for students pursuing higher education. From academic achievement to community service, there are scholarships available for a wide range of eligibility requirements. Whether you are an incoming freshman, a graduate student, or a current undergrad, Texas scholarships aim to provide financial assistance for those pursuing a college education. With a diverse range of scholarship programs and institutions such as Texas Tech University, Texas A&M University, and several community colleges, there are numerous options available to help students with tuition costs and support their educational journey. Here, we will explore some popular scholarships in Texas and the various fields of study they cater to.

Texas A&M University Scholarships

Texas A&M University offers a wide range of scholarships to support students in their pursuit of higher education. These scholarships are awarded by Scholarships and Financial Aid, academic colleges/departments, and other units within the university.

Scholarships at Texas A&M are awarded based on various criteria, including academic merit, leadership/participation, and financial need. Students with exceptional academic records can apply for merit-based scholarships, which recognize their academic achievements. Leadership and participation scholarships are available to students who have demonstrated outstanding leadership skills and actively engaged in extracurricular activities or community service. Additionally, there are scholarships that consider financial need to assist students in covering their tuition costs.

The eligibility requirements and application deadlines for these scholarships may vary depending on the specific scholarship program. Students are encouraged to explore the various scholarships available at Texas A&M University through the Scholarships and Financial Aid website and the websites of academic colleges/departments. These scholarships provide valuable financial assistance and recognize the talents and accomplishments of deserving students. By offering these scholarships, Texas A&M University aims to make a quality education accessible to a diverse range of students.

What are the best Texas scholarships?

Most of the best Texas scholarships are given by specific universities to their students. For example, the University of Texas-Austin provides free tuition for students with a household income that is less than $65,000. The school offers tuition assistance for students with a household income between $125,000 and $65,000.

Also, the state of Texas offers free tuition for one year for valedictorian students who attend an in-state school. This is only available for graduates of Texas high schools.

Do I have to attend school in Texas to be eligible for a Texas scholarship?

Scholarship providers can set their own eligibility requirements, and many do not mandate that students attend a Texas school to receive a Texas scholarship. There are some scholarships that require you to be a Texas resident only, some that require you attend a Texas school and some will require both residence and attendance in Texas. Make sure you read through all the requirements and understand what the rules are.

Do I have to be from Texas to receive a Texas scholarship?

In many cases, you must be a current Texas resident to qualify for a Texas scholarship. Each scholarship may have their own residency definition, but it often means living in the state for at least one year.

There may be some rare exceptions. For example, the Good Neighbor Scholarship Program offers 12 months of free tuition at a Texas school to students from a country in the Western Hemisphere, excluding the U.S. or Cuba.

Also, the University of Houston Tier One Scholarship is available for both in-state and out-of-state students. Out-of-state students will receive a tuition waiver granting them in-state status at the University of Houston.

Some scholarships may accept students who either attend school in Texas or who graduated from a Texas high school. For example, the Austin Alliance for Women in Media Scholarship requires that you either attend a school in the Austin area or have attended high school in Austin.

Where can I find Texas scholarships?

Texas scholarships are available through online scholarship databases like Scholarships.com. The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board also has a list of scholarships for Texas students.

The school you attend may also be a good source for Texas scholarships. For example, the University of Texas offers the C.R. Smith Endowed Scholarship, which pays between $10,000 and $12,000 per year for up to five years of undergraduate study.

When applying to college, visit the financial aid website and figure out how to maximize your scholarship opportunities. Some schools may have a separate scholarship application that you must complete in order to qualify for all potential scholarships.