Updated: July 16, 2015

Public Service and Volunteering

Many students have some community experience to add to their resumes, which is a good asset for college applications, whether it was a graduation requirement or for personal enjoyment. We’ve provided some resources below that will help you navigate the public service and volunteering opportunities available at the college level and beyond, with information on how to find the volunteer position that fits your interests and the funding to support you as you pursue unpaid work, among other topics. Browse through the pages below to learn more about public service and volunteering, regardless of your motivation.

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Top 10 Questions to Ask Before You Volunteer

While volunteering is beneficial, it is not intended for everyone. Some people lack sufficient time to volunteer or cannot afford to do so. We’ve come up with a list of questions to ask yourself before you start off on your volunteer search, and based on your results, you can gage where you would be a best fit.

Finding a Volunteer Position

No matter your interests, there are many volunteer positions that will provide self-fulfillment and have you coming back. Whether you are looking for volunteer positions based on intended field of study, an organization that appeals to you, or are simply interested in finding a volunteer position that fits your college schedule, we’ve compiled tips on where to look and how to land that perfect volunteer gig.

Benefits of Volunteerism in College

Aside from the fact that it could be a good way to boost your resume and make yourself a more desirable job candidate post-graduation, there are a number of benefits to volunteerism in college. Volunteer positions could also put you in touch with people you may not have met outside of a volunteer position, allow you to grow as an individual, give you experience in a field of study you’re considering that you may not have gotten otherwise, along with many other benefits.

Benefits of Volunteerism in High School

If you’re midway through high school and wondering whether it’d be worth adding volunteerism to your already long list of extracurricular activities, consider the benefits. You will be giving your college applications a boost and impressing admissions officials, meeting new people and getting involved in more rare extracurricular activities. You may even land some academic credit or scholarship money for giving back. Check out what we’ve come up with as far as the benefits of volunteerism in high school.You will most likely find volunteering a tremendously rewarding commitment.

Funding for Volunteerism

If you’re wary about choosing volunteerism over a paying position while in college, consider this: community service scholarships are one of the most popular and generous scholarships available. Make sure you do your research before coming to a decision, because there could be funding for volunteerismavailable that you hadn’t been aware of before.

Loan Forgiveness Programs

Do not assume that you will have to abandon a dream career because of potential student debt. Fortunately, there are many programs that forgive student loans, especially if you are entering a high-needs field after graduation. Talk to your financial aid administrator about available options as loan forgiveness programs before taking out any federal or private loans. Depending on your student loan eligibility, you may be able to take out forgivable loans after working in your field for some years.

Alternatives to Employment

Whether the country is struggling economically or you simply need some more time to deciding a post-college career, there are numerous options outside of entry-level jobs if you’re flexible in salary and location. Graduate programs, teaching certification assignments or volunteer opportunities are all popular post-graduation paths, so if you’re not ready for the workforce, consider what will boost your resume as well as better develop your character.