American Indian Nurse Scholarship Awards

June 1, 2024
Awards Available: Varies

Scholarship Description

The American Indian Medical Scholarship Award Program (AIMS) was started by the NSCDA in 1928 to give students of American Indian descent the opportunity to pursue careers in nursing. The students are expected to return to work among their people to help improve health care.

Scholarship Details

  • Award Amount: $1,500 per semester
  • Focus: Healthcare needs of the American Indian, Alaskan Native, or Hawaiian Native community
  • Renewal: Granted each semester, contingent on academic good standing

Eligibility Criteria

  • Tribal Enrollment: Enrolled in a tribe or village, belonging to American Indian, Alaska Native, or Native Hawaiian communities.
  • Financial Need: Demonstrate financial need.
  • Educational Stage:
    • Either a high school senior planning to pursue a career in healthcare.
    • Currently enrolled in a health professional program with good scholastic standing in pre-nursing, pre-med, or a health care/health education program.
  • Career Focus: Have a career goal directly related to addressing the healthcare needs of the American Indian, Alaskan Native, or Hawaiian Native community.
  • Gender Inclusivity: Originally designed for females, the program now includes males as eligible candidates.

Application Process

  1. Application Submission: Submit a comprehensive application highlighting your tribal affiliation, financial need, and academic standing.
  2. Career Goals Essay: Include an essay outlining your career goals and how they align with addressing healthcare needs in your community.
  3. Academic Standing: Maintain good scholastic standing to qualify for the $1,500 scholarship each semester.
  4. Restricted Use: The scholarship funds are restricted to tuition and specific academic expenses.

The American Indian Nurse Scholarship Awards provide crucial support to students committed to healthcare careers addressing the unique needs of their communities. If you qualify to apply and are dedicated to making a difference in Native American health, consider applying to advance your academic and professional endeavors. Applications for the Fall must be submitted by June 1, and applications for the Spring must be submitted by December 1. Scholarship Search