Mechanical One Scholarship

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Scholarship Description

The Mechanical One Scholarship is available for students pursuing an certification, certificate, associates, bachelors or masters in engineering or a related area of study. The total scholarship is $2,500 and will be distributed directly to the student. One student submission will be selected by the third Friday in October. The deadline for all submissions will be on the preceding Monday.

Applicants must submit an essay addressing the prompt "What is the future of air, heating, plumbing and electric and what are the steps we should take towards saving energy and reducing environmental impact?" Submission must be uploaded in Word (.doc / .docx) or PDF format and must be a minimum of 1,500 words and no more than 2,300 words. Sources or reference must be properly cited. Essays submitted belong to the students: All essays submitted belong to the student. We may publish a quote from their work on our website, press release and social media to highlight the best submissions but will take them down if a student contacts us to do so. Scholarship Search