Pledge to Vote Scholarship Contest

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Scholarship Description

As young people, we know how difficult paying for school can be and how strenuous scholarship applications are. That’s why March For Our Lives Action Fund is introducing its first free, quick-action scholarship—no essay, GPA, or recommendation letter necessary.

Just pledge to vote using the form on our website. Once you submit your pledge and information, you earn one entry to win $1000, and unlock “Booster Actions” to gain additional entries. At the end of each month, up until October, we draw at least one random entry for the $1000 award. You can only win once, but if you don’t win we’ll keep your entries in for the next month. That means it pays to stay involved, and your efforts to win continue to build on each other!

No long application, no GPA requirement, no essay, no recommendation letters, just a quick action to take for a chance at $1000. Oh, and did we mention it only takes 5 minutes? Pledge to vote today at Scholarship Search