AC&M Scholarship

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Scholarship Description

The American Casting & Manufacturing Scholarship is a $500-dollar scholarship awarded twice per year, during the Fall and Spring semesters. This scholarship is open to applicants with any major, awarding those based on writing capabilities and academic achievement.

Applicants Must Meet the Following Requirements in Order to be Eligible:

*The student must be a College Junior, Senior, or Graduate Student who is currently enrolled full-time. *Min GPA: 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) *500–700 word essay *In order to be considered for the scholarship, the essay must be submitted to [email protected]. The essay must be previously unpublished and original, focusing on The Benefits of Manufactured Security Products and Tamper Evident Seals in Business. Sub-topics should be selected to focus on specific industries such as airline, transportation, or food and beverage, etc. Scholarship Search