AAUW Hill Country Scholarship

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Scholarship Description

The AAUW Hill Country Scholarship Awards, as a branch of the national American Association of University Women, offer scholarships to support women in graduate studies. Applicants must be a resident of Kerr, Bandera, Gillespie, Kendall, or Kimble County in Texas who has been accepted into or is presently engaged in course work at the graduate level at an accredited college or university. Recipients must be available for a personal interview if chosen as a finalist.

Applicants must include three references who can attest to their scholarship, work ethic, and professional commitment. At least one reference must be affiliated with your college or university. The applicant must also send their CV or resume, their GPA for graduate school, documentation of enrollment or acceptance, an essay of 300-500 words that includes your work/study history, examples of your leadership/honors/activities in your chosen field on and off-campus, and how your graduate work/degree will benefit your community.

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