Florida Firefighter EMS Scholarship

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Scholarship Description

The Florida Fire Chiefs' Foundation's Firefighter/EMT Scholarship Program reflects a commitment to supporting individuals pursuing careers in firefighting and emergency medical services. This scholarship program recognizes the importance of providing financial assistance to those who may face economic disadvantages and aspire to attend approved Florida Firefighter Minimum Standards and related Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) certification programs.

Eligibility for the Firefighter/EMT Scholarship requires candidates to meet several criteria:

1. Florida Residency: Applicants must be residents of Florida and attend a Florida educational institution.

2. At-Risk or Economically Disadvantaged: Candidates should be considered at-risk and/or economically disadvantaged at the time of application.

3. Financial Assistance Application: Applicants must have applied for financial assistance to attend a qualified Firefighter Minimum Standards and/or EMT program at the educational institution they plan to attend.

4. US Citizenship: Proof of US Citizenship is required at the time of application.

5. Education: Candidates must have a High School diploma or GED.

6. Driver's License: A valid Florida Driver’s License is a prerequisite.

7. Physical Fitness and Medical Requirements: Applicants should meet the physical fitness and/or medical requirements outlined by the institution for the Florida Firefighter Minimum Standards program and/or EMT program.

8. Tobacco-Free: Applicants must be tobacco-free in accordance with current Florida Statute.

9. Legal History: Candidates should not have any felony or 1st-degree misdemeanor convictions.

10. Driving Record: Applicants should have a driving record that does not preclude employment under Florida Statute as a firefighter or EMT.

11. College or Vocational School Eligibility: Candidates must meet all eligibility requirements to attend the college or vocational school for which the scholarship is awarded for Firefighter Minimum Standards/EMT.

12. Background Check: Candidates must agree to and pass a background check.

The scholarship program not only reflects the foundation's dedication to education but also underscores its commitment to providing opportunities for individuals seeking financial stability through careers in firefighting and emergency medical services. While temporarily closed for new applications, the program plays a crucial role in supporting those who aspire to contribute to their communities through service as firefighters and EMTs.

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