Greek Women's University Club National Music Competition

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Scholarship Description

The Greek Women’s University Club is dedicated to the promotion of the arts and education in our community. In keeping with these goals, the Greek Women’s University Club, so as to recognize excellence and to encourage the achievements of young men and women of Greek heritage is sponsoring its 36th national music competition on April 6th.

Scholarship Details

  • Music competition for young men and women of Greek heritage
  • 36th national music competition
  • Award: $1000 for the winner(s)

Eligibility Criteria

  • Applicants must be of Greek descent
  • Must be ages 20 to 29

Application Process

  1. Prepare your audition CD with two musical selections (8 to 10 minutes in total)
  2. Selections should span different periods (baroque/classical and romantic/contemporary)
  3. Vocalists must include one English and one non-English song
  4. Submit applications with audition CDs to Anna Moreno by March 1st
  5. Contestants will be selected based on audition submissions

The Greek Women's University Club (GWUC) was founded in Chicago in 1931. GWUC promotes education and excellence in the arts, literature, and sciences within the Greek community by presenting musical programs, art exhibits, and lectures and conferences. Scholarship Search