Tech for Mental Health Scholarship

June 14, 2024
Awards Available: 1

Scholarship Description

The Arise Health Clinic Tech for Mental Health Scholarship is a prestigious opportunity recognizing outstanding computer science students committed to advancing mental wellness through their technical skills. This scholarship supports individuals with strong academic records, a passion for mental health advocacy, and a dedication to using technology for innovative mental wellness solutions.

Scholarship Details

  • For computer science students who are interested in mental health
  • Supports technological solutions for mental health and mental wellness
  • For those with strong academic records and a passion for mental health advocacy


  • Applicants must be current high school seniors in Indiana
  • Must be a U.S. Citizen
  • Indiana Resident
  • Planning to pursue a degree at an accredited post-secondary institution in Indiana or Ohio
  • Minimum overall GPA of 3.8
  • Relatives of current employees, officers, or owners of Arise are not eligible

Apply Today

  1. Verify eligibility
  2. Prepare documentation to prove GPA and planned post-secondary education in Indiana or Ohio
  3. Submit an application detailing your passion for mental health advocacy and how you plan to use technology to advance mental wellness

The scholarship can cover tuition fees, textbooks, software licenses, hardware, research projects, and other computer science-related expenses. It may be a one-time award or renewable based on academic performance, ongoing commitment to mental health advocacy through computer science, and involvement in tech-driven mental wellness projects. Scholarship Search