The Annual Venus Morris Griffin Scholarship Fund

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Scholarship Description

The Annual Venus Morris Griffin Scholarship Fund envisions expanding the reach of its scholarship fund to support the futures of more deserving students. Beyond school scholarships, the foundation aims to create a broader impact, influencing positive change in various aspects of the lives of those in need.

Scholarship Application Guidelines

To qualify for a Scholarship, applicants must adhere to the following guidelines:

Recipients Selection Process:

Recipients of the scholarship are chosen by Venus Morris Griffin and her children. This scholarship is a valuable investment in our collective future, fostering the development of promising leaders. Funding is derived entirely from proceeds from Venus' speaking engagements and donations from generous supporters.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • High School Senior in the United States: You must currently be a high school senior in the United States.
  • Biological Parent Incarceration: Your biological parent must be currently incarcerated.
  • Adopted and Foster Care Students: Adopted and foster care students meeting all terms and conditions are encouraged to apply.
  • Acceptance into Higher Learning or Trades Program: Provide proof of acceptance into either an institution of higher learning or a trades program by March 2023. Payments will be made directly to the institution.
  • Proof of College Acceptance: Show proof of acceptance to attend college within the next year and provide an invoice issued by the institution.
  • Entry Letter: Submit only one (1) entry letter per person/household, explaining how having an incarcerated parent has impacted your life.
  • Usage of Scholarship Funds: All scholarship money must be used for tuition only, within the first or second year of high school graduation.
  • Notification and Announcement: Winners will be notified by email, posted on, and officially announced in March.

These guidelines ensure a fair and transparent process for selecting deserving scholarship recipients who have faced unique challenges related to parental incarceration. Scholarship Search