Updated: June 4, 2024

Scholarships for Women

scholarships for women

Historically, women have been largely under-represented on college campuses in the United States. Over the last several decades, our society has evolved and the availability of scholarships for women has increased. Along with a number of other factors, scholarships have been instrumental in helping more women to attend and ultimately graduate from college, opening up a much broader range of potential careers for them.

Continue reading the article below the scholarship list.

25 Scholarships for Women with Approaching Deadlines

Why are scholarships for women important?

Over the last several decades, women have continued to make strides in higher education, with the percentage of women with a college degree surpassing the percentage of men holding a degree for the first time in 2010 and then again in 2014. In the years since, women have continued to out-pace men in this regard. In 2022, 39% of women held a college degree, while only 36.2% of men had graduated from college. This can be at least partially attributed to the number of scholarships available exclusively for women.

While the majority of college coeds today are female, many still have trouble paying for tuition and other college-related expenses. Scholarships designed specifically for women can be very helpful in this situation. These awards can assist female students in paying for their college education without becoming overly burdened by taking on excessive student loans.

Many scholarships that are exclusively available to women are for students in a particular field, often one that has been historically male-dominated. For example, the W.I.S.E (Washington Women in STEM Excel) Scholarship is available to a woman from Washington who is interested in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM).

There may also be scholarships only for women from particular racial or ethnic minority groups. For example, the Esther Ngan-ling Chow and Mareyjoyce Green Scholarship is given to a female student who is also part of a marginalized racial or ethnic group.

Other awards may focus on women in difficult circumstances, like single mothers or women who are the first in their family to attend college. For example, the Elevate-A-Life Scholarship offers $20,000 per year for college tuition & childcare expenses. The scholarship is for 4 years or when you achieve your degree, whichever happens, sooner.

The Women's Independence Scholarship Program (WISP) supports women who have survived domestic abuse and who are attending community college, vocational school or undergraduate school.

Female athletes may also find special scholarships that celebrate their physical accomplishments. For example, the Women's Metropolitan Golf Association Foundation Scholarship is given to a female golfer who lives in New York City or on Long Island.

How to apply for scholarships for women

Be certain to broaden your search as far as you can if you're seeking scholarships for women. To locate prospective awards, use directories like Scholarships.com. You can also seek help from your high school guidance counselor, particularly with regard to regional prizes.

For female students, there are a lot of broad scholarships available, but you should concentrate on obtaining grants that fit your particular interests, talents, and skills.

Finding an award you're a good fit for and adhering to all the conditions are the keys to earning any type of scholarship. To make sure you comprehend everything, be sure to read the qualifying requirements and related information at least a few times. Email the coordinator of the scholarship program if you have any questions.

Due to a lack of preparation time, students frequently miss out on funding possibilities and submit applications that are below par. Don't miss out on this opportunity to showcase your uniqueness in the essay.

Even if you detest writing, give the essay component of an application plenty of time. Ask someone you can trust—like your English teacher—to assist you in brainstorming and drafting your response. Then, before submitting it, ask them to review your initial draft.

What are the best scholarships for women?

There are a number of scholarships for women that will cover a large percentage of the cost of attendance. For example, the Cards Against Humanity Science Ambassador Scholarship offers a full-tuition scholarship for up to four years of undergraduate study. To enter, female students must record a video showing why they’re interested in STEM.

Do I need to fill out the FAFSA to qualify for scholarships for women?

It is possible for students to be eligible for private scholarships offered by for-profit or nonprofit organizations without having to submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). To be eligible for institutional scholarships and grants, students must submit the FAFSA, which is virtually always required by colleges and universities, at least in the United States.

What majors provide the most scholarship opportunities for women?

While there are many different kinds of scholarships for women, the most common tend to be for female students majoring in STEM, business or education. For example, the ESET Women in Cybersecurity Scholarship is available for both undergraduate and graduate female students who are interested in cybersecurity.

If you have a major outside of those areas, you should not give up on your search, just be aware that it may be a bit more difficult to find applicable scholarships.

Who are the largest scholarship providers for women?

The organizations that offer the largest scholarships exclusively for women include the American Association of University Women (AAUW), Miss America Teen Scholarships and the Women's Independence Scholarship Program (WISP). It's worth noting that scholarship availability and award amounts can change over time, so it's always a good idea to check each organization's website for the most up-to-date information.

Types of Scholarships Available

Many different types of scholarships are available at institutions to support women's educational goals. They serve a wide range of backgrounds, academic objectives, and interests by default, allowing women from various backgrounds a wide range of possibilities when seeking for the ideal opportunity, scholarship eligibility may vary depending on the applicant's financial need in order to ensure that every woman may discover the best option for their unique needs.

STEM Scholarships

Are you a female enthusiast of math, science, technology, or engineering? If so, there are several scholarships available to support your academic endeavors and help you launch a career in these fascinating subjects.

These scholarships not only help financially but also enable women to succeed in fields that have historically been dominated by men. These possibilities can provide you the edge you need to excel in your chosen STEM profession, whether you are a graduate or undergraduate student. Don't pass up these fantastic opportunities; look into the many STEM scholarships offered and turn your aspirations into reality.

College Scholarships

Women have a wide range of scholarship alternatives accessible to them for education. These scholarships, which span a range of majors, are especially designed to assist women at all phases of life and from all ethnic backgrounds. There are scholarships available for everyone, whether you're a high school senior, an undergraduate or graduate student, or even a woman wishing to return to school.

These scholarships can help with various costs associated with school, such as extracurricular activities, child care, or travel expenditures, in addition to tuition and room and board. Therefore, there are options available to help you pursue your educational aspirations, regardless of your financial needs.

It's crucial to research the various scholarships that are offered and identify those that are compatible with the academic area you have decided to pursue. There are scholarships available for women in a variety of majors, including STEM, business, the arts, and other majors.

So don't be afraid to apply for college scholarships if you're a woman wishing to enhance your education. There are lots of possibilities out there that you can take advantage of to ease the burden of your educational journey.

Merit-Based Scholarships

Women who have excelled academically and shown great talent in their chosen fields of study are recognized and given financial aid through merit-based scholarships.

The SME Education Foundation provides scholarships to female undergraduate and graduate students pursuing degrees in business and engineering related fields. These scholarships are awarded based on academic achievement, leadership potential, financial need, and involvement in extracurricular activities. The application deadlines for SME scholarships typically fall in the spring, with a range of award amounts available.

Women who have excelled academically and shown great talent in their chosen fields of study are recognized and given financial aid through merit-based scholarships. The National Merit Scholarship Program and the SME Education Foundation are two prestigious scholarship programs.

Scholarships are available through the National Merit Scholarship Program to high school seniors who have excelled in their academic studies and achieved great PSAT/NMSQT test scores. These highly sought-after scholarships are given out based on a finalist's application as well as their academic record, extracurricular activities, and leadership abilities. The scholarship amounts can cover most or even all of a student's educational expenses because they are variable.

Athletic Scholarships

For female athletes, athletic scholarships are a great way to garner financial aid for a specific college need while still playing the sport you love. These scholarships are usually awarded for athletic prowess or ability. It's common that a school wants the particular athlete to help play a role on the school sports team.

Women must fulfill specific standards, which can differ depending on the university, in order to be eligible for athletic scholarships. Students must typically be seniors in high school or college students who have succeeded in their respective sports. They might need to uphold a specific standard of academic excellence, have strong leadership characteristics, and show dedication to their sport.

Numerous sports and activities have athletic scholarships available. Basketball, soccer, volleyball, swimming, track and field, tennis, golf, gymnastics, and softball are popular choices. However, scholarships could also be offered for less popular sports including equestrian, lacrosse, field hockey, rowing, and skiing. In order to find out about specific athletic scholarship options, aspiring athletes must do their homework and get in touch with the institutions or universities they want to attend.

Minority and Low-Income Women's Scholarships

There are many scholarships designed specifically for minority and low-income women. These are essential for promoting educational pathways and eliminating any disparities in enrollment and graduation rates among all colleges. The purpose of these scholarships is to eliminate any financial barriers that may prevent underrepresented groups of women from pursuing higher education by awarding minority scholarships.

Scholarships for women of color frequently have particular eligibility conditions based on nation of origin or race.These funds are meant to help women from different backgrounds, such as those who are African American, Hispanic, Asian, or Native American. These foundations and organizations that award scholarships recognize how crucial it is to provide equal access to higher education for women in these regions.

On the other hand, need-based criteria are routinely used for low-income women's scholarships. Due to the fact that these scholarships are meant to aid women from economically underprivileged households, financial need is given priority. The tuition, books, and other expenses associated with attending college can be covered by these scholarships, which can assist low-income women in doing so.

By offering financial assistance, these scholarships increase the possibility that minority and low-income women would graduate, which not only promotes their attendance in colleges and universities. They empower women to pursue their educational goals and break the cycle of intergenerational poverty, which has a positive impact on their lives and the community as a whole.

Corporate Sponsored Programs

Scholarships for women pursuing higher education are largely provided via corporate-sponsored programs. Companies expressly created and provide these programs to help women succeed in their educational pursuits. These programs greatly aid in empowering women and providing them with chances by providing financial support.

Corporate-sponsored scholarships for women offer much-needed financial support to help with the cost of attending school, including tuition and fees. Women might receive their support at different points in their educational careers, including undergraduate and graduate courses. These scholarships make higher education more affordable for women by frequently covering tuition costs, textbook costs, and other educational expenses.

Beyond just providing financial aid, these scholarships are significant. They also give women access to the networks and tools they need to boost their success. Scholarship recipients have access to mentoring programs, internships, and professional development opportunities thanks to partnerships with businesses. Through providing students with the knowledge and experience necessary to succeed in their chosen fields, these programs advance the empowerment of women.

Corporate-sponsored scholarships for women also advance equality, diversity, and inclusion across a range of sectors. Companies actively endeavor to remove obstacles and create equal opportunity for everybody by assisting women in higher education. By assisting women in overcoming financial barriers and pursuing their educational goals, these programs help create a more inclusive and empowered society.