$2,500 Flipped App Scholarship

May 31, 2024
Awards Available: 1

Scholarship Description

Flipped App introduces a transformative approach to the college application process, empowering you to steer your educational journey. With a single comprehensive profile, you can effortlessly present yourself to a multitude of potential colleges and universities. The unique feature? You exclusively hear from institutions for which you qualify, streamlining the process by eliminating redundant forms, essays, and stress.

Scholarship Details

  • Effortless Profile Creation: Construct your comprehensive profile in under 10 minutes, bidding farewell to extensive application forms.
  • Highlight Your Uniqueness: Showcase your activities, hobbies, and distinctive qualities, allowing your personality to shine through.
  • Colleges Come to You: Establish connections with thousands of colleges and universities, drawing institutions that appreciate your individuality.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Must be a current high school junior
  • Must be planning to enroll in undergraduate study

Application Process:

  1. Visit the website to initiate your stress-free college application journey.
  2. Follow the simple steps to create your comprehensive profile.
  3. Experience a revolutionary approach where colleges come to you based on your unique qualifications.

Are you weary of the conventional college application process? It's time to revolutionize your strategy with Flipped App. Seize control, stand out, and let colleges come to you. Visit the website now to embark on a stress-free college application experience.

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