APA Charles Abrams Scholarship

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Scholarship Description

The Charles Abrams Scholarship is an annual partial scholarship to a student who is enrolled in a graduate planning program leading to a master's degree in one of the five schools at which Charles Abrams taught and who has been nominated by the program's department chair. The student chosen for this award must demonstrate a genuine financial need. The program is designed to aid students who will pursue careers as practicing planners.

Students from the following schools are eligible: -Columbia University, Division of Urban Planning -Harvard University, Urban Planning Program (Master in Urban Planning) Harvard Graduate School of Design (formerly Harvard University, City & Regional Planning Program of the Graduate School of Architecture and Design) -Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Urban Studies & Planning -New School University, Urban Policy Analysis & Management Program, Robert J. Milano Graduate School of Management & Urban Policy (formerly New School for Social Research, New York, Department for Urban Affairs & Policy Analysis) -University of Pennsylvania, Department of City & Regional Planning

Applications for this scholarship must be submitted through a student's planning program. Prior winners of any APA-administered fellowship or scholarship program are not eligible.

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