John D. Graham Scholarship

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Scholarship Description

To be eligible for the John D. Graham Scholarship, applicants must be enrolled in a journalism program, public relations studies or courses preparing for a career in public relations, and be entering their senior year of undergraduate studies in fall after the application deadline to apply. Judges will be looking for the following qualities: academic achievement in public relations and overall studies; leadership; experience in internships or other work/service; a commitment to public relations; and writing skills.

Besides completing the application, applicants must also submit a letter of recommendation (no more than two pages, from either a faculty member or PRSSA Adviser), one or two additional letters of recommendation ( from internship employers, educators or others) and a one-page resume. The scholarship check will be payable to the winner’s university for use on their behalf, and can only be used to directly fund the winner’s educational pursuits. Scholarship Search