REEL Milk Moments Video Scholarship Contest

October 30, 2024
Awards Available: 3

Scholarship Description

Arizona Milk Producers is offering the chance to turn your video creation into college moo-lah. Simply create a “Reel” Milk Moment video, lasting 30 seconds or less, featuring your favorite real milk and/or dairy product(s). Show us how real dairy is not only part of your day, but makes your day better. To qualify, students must be enrolled in a post-secondary school (university, college, or community college) in the state of Arizona for the fall term with at least 12 credit hours. Applications run from the late summer/early fall until the due date.

Upon conclusion of the contest entry period, a judging panel will select 15 finalists from all submitted entries, based on scoring of each of the video criteria. Each finalists will receive two tickets and one parking pass to the Fiesta Bowl game in December. One $50 gift card for one of the following grocery stores: Fry’s Food Stores, Safeway, or Albertsons. Finalists will be required to complete an application packet, and must attend the Fiesta Bowl game. Three (3) winners will be chosen based on evaluation of the application documents. Winners will be announced live at the Fiesta Bowl Game. Scholarship Search