Richard L. Brooks Memorial Scholarship

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Scholarship Description

The American Galvanizers Association's (AGA) Galvanize the Future: A Richard L. Brooks Memorial Scholarship essay contest was developed to assist future specifiers with the rising cost of a college education. The scholarship is open to full- or part-time undergraduate or graduate students enrolled in an accredited college or university studying architecture, civil engineering, structural engineering, construction management, material science, or a related field.

Essays should be at least 1000 words, but should not exceed 2000 words. Judges will evaluate submissions based on relevance, accuracy, conciseness, and ingenuity. Please submit your essays in English. Each essay will be read and ranked by reviewers at the AGA. Final awards will be determined by the AGAs Executive Director. The scholarship will be paid directly to the winning students educational institution. Winners will be announced in May. Scholarship Search