SCTPN Undergraduate Scholarship

See Description
August 1, 2024
Awards Available: Varies

Scholarship Description

Young adults with SCD who are high school seniors or current undergraduates matriculated at an accredited college are qualified to apply for the SCTPN Scholarship. For scholarship consideration, all of the following criteria must be met: complete scholarship application clearly and accurately; provide a letter of certification from your physician verifying that you are an individual with Sickle Cell Disease and/or Thalassemia; Provide two letters of recommendation – one from a faculty member and one from a non-family member; write a 500-word essay answering the provided questions; submit a copy of the college acceptance letter; and must be willing to participate in the annual Sickle Cell Walk (i.e. Social media post/article, starting a virtual team, volunteering during the walk, etc). Applicants must be full-time students and have a 2.75 GPA.

SCTPN Undergraduate Scholarships are dedicated to academic excellence and assisting young adults living with a hemoglobinopathy to continue their education. The scholarship is awarded biannually to students accepted to an accredited two or four-year college or university. Scholarship recipients can apply annually for continued assistance. SCTPN will follow undergraduate recipients throughout their college experience, provide needed support and mentoring activities. Scholarship Search