TIAA Bank Be The Change Scholarship

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Scholarship Description

In 2020, TIAA Bank introduced “Be the Change” as their response to present day racial injustice. In their continued support of the City of Jacksonville’s annual Martin Luther King Jr. celebration, TIAA Bank is empowering students through their "Be the Change" scholarship program. As they prepare to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day, they want to hear how you can personally make a difference.

Applicants must be Florida residents residing in Duval County, and attending one of the following schools: Andrew Jackson High School, Biscayne High School, Duval MYcroSchool of Integrated Academics & Technologies, Edward H. White High School, Englewood High School, Frank H. Peterson Academics, Global Outreach Charter Academy High School, Jean Ribault High School, Lone Star High School, Riverside High School, Terry Parker High School, Westside High School, William M. Raines High School. Scholarship Search