Kemper Human Rights Education Foundation Essay Contest

December 10, 2024
Awards Available: 3

Scholarship Description

The Kemper Human Rights Education Foundation (KHREF) is excited to announce its essay contests, offering prizes of $4000, $2000, and $1000. The contests are open to high school students globally and aim to encourage thoughtful reflection on the effectiveness and future relevance of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Essay Question: "If you were asked to give a talk on December 10 commemorating the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, what would you say about its effectiveness and its value going forward? Does it need to be revised to achieve its goals, or can it be effective in its current form? Please support your arguments with scholarly research."

Submission Criteria:

1. Essays should be written in English. 2. Length: 2500 words or less (excluding footnotes and bibliography). 3. Submission via email: Send as a Microsoft Word attachment via email or print and send by postal mail. 4. Include footnotes and a bibliography referencing all sources. 5. Cover Page: Include title, author's name and grade level, name and address of author's high school, name of a teacher at the high school, a signed statement by the teacher confirming the essay's independence, a signed statement by the essay's author confirming the research basis, and a signed statement by both the essay's author and parent/guardian permitting publication.

Submission Deadline: Essays are due on or before December 10th (Human Rights Day).

Evaluation Criteria: Essays will be judged based on clarity, relevance to the question, and the extent of scholarly research supporting the arguments.


• 1st Place: $4000 • 2nd Place: $2000 • 3rd Place: $1000

Interview Requirement: Before receiving a prize, winners agree to participate in a Zoom interview with members of KHREF's board regarding their essays.

Publication Permission: Authors must grant permission for KHREF to publish their essays. Scholarship Search