Jay Kennedy Memorial Scholarship in Cartooning

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Scholarship Description

Unlock your potential as a college cartoonist with the annual Jay Kennedy Scholarship, a tribute to the late King Features editor.

Scholarship Details

  • Funded by the Hearst Foundation / King Features Syndicate, with generous contributions from renowned cartoonists like Jerry Scott, Jim Borgman, and Patrick McDonnell.
  • Recognizes and rewards the best college cartoonist with a prestigious award.
  • The recipient is celebrated at the annual NCS Reuben Awards Convention, attended by leading cartoonists from around the world.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Open to students at 4-year colleges in the United States, Canada, or Mexico who will be Junior or Senior students during the 2022-2023 academic year.
  • Art majors are not required; all majors are eligible for this scholarship.

Application Process

  1. Complete the entry form.
  2. Submit 8 samples of your original cartooning artwork (copies only), specifying any prior publications, whether in print or online.
  3. Ensure not to send original artwork; copies are accepted.
  4. Your scholarship application will be evaluated by the National Cartoonists Society Foundation (NCSF), with the number of scholarships and their amounts determined at the NCSF's discretion.
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