Money Matters National Education Day Scholarship

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Scholarship Description

The American Payroll Association and Workday, Inc. will award one (1) $5,000 scholarship and two (2) $1,000 Scholarships, eligible to any high school junior or senior or individual pursuing continued education who shows an acceptable understanding of the Money Matters National Education Day (MMNED) financial literacy curriculum. Scholarships will be awarded based on participants passing a 5-question online quiz based on content learned in the MMNED “Bring Home the Gold” student workbook, available to download on the scholarship entry page.

Scholarship Details

  • Number of Scholarships: Three (3)
  • Total Award Amount: $7,000
  • One (1) $5,000 scholarship and two (2) $1,000 scholarships

Eligibility Criteria

  • Open to high school juniors, seniors, and individuals pursuing continued education
  • Applicants must demonstrate an acceptable understanding of the Money Matters National Education Day (MMNED) financial literacy curriculum.

Application Process

  1. Access and download the MMNED "Bring Home the Gold" student workbook from the scholarship entry page.
  2. Study the curriculum content in the workbook to prepare for the online quiz.
  3. Take a 5-question online quiz based on the MMNED curriculum.
  4. Submit your quiz responses through the scholarship entry page.

By participating in the Money Matters National Education Day program and passing the quiz, you not only improve your financial knowledge but also become eligible for valuable scholarships. Scholarship Search