
This scholarship may not currently be accepting applications. Sign up to view personalized scholarship matches.

Scholarship Description

The scholarship 2024, offers students to showcase their writing skills by participating in a competition and getting a chance to win $1000.

Scholarship Details

  • Competition for a $1,000 scholarship
  • Write a 500-word essay on one of the specified topics

Eligibility Criteria

  • Open to students attending or planning to attend colleges or universities in the coming academic year
  • Applicants must be 18 years or older
  • Each applicant may submit only one essay
  • Submissions and application forms must be in English
  • Scholarships awarded semi-annually: on May 30th, and December 20th

Application Process

  1. Write a 500-word essay on one of the specified topics
  2. Fill out the application form at
  3. Attach any valid document confirming your student status to the written work

As a contest participant, one should make sure that a required application form is submitted successfully. Technical malfunctions do not serve as a valid excuse for submission failures. Applications are due twice a year. Scholarship Search