Chowan offers undergraduate students financial aid through scholarships, grants and loans. In addition, you may qualify for a work-study job or pursue additional, outside scholarships and grants. Because of our generous financial aid, Chowan is as affordable as many state universities, while providing 1-on-1 academic and support services in a Christian environment where student success is a top priority. Our helpful Financial Aid staff will help navigate the process together with you and your family.
Scholarships are the most sought-after form of financial aid. At Chowan University, we recognize and reward the hard work and talent of our students. Beginning in the upcoming Fall, accepted students are automatically considered for one of the following scholarships: the President’s Scholarship, the Alumni Scholarship and the University Scholarship. Please note that merit scholarships are renewable but dependent upon GPA. If a student drops below the required GPA, scholarship amounts will be reduced. The number of given awards will vary.