Hope College Distinguished Artist Awards - Visual Arts

February 18, 2025
Awards Available: 60

Scholarship Description

Each year at Hope College up to sixty Distinguished Artist Award (DAA) scholarships are given to students with strong academic records and outstanding creative abilities in art, dance, music, theatre or creative writing. Renewable for four years, the DAA's provide eligible students with $3,000 each year toward their college costs. Application requirements: up to 15 high quality 35mm slides representative of outstanding work and diversity in any media. Slides are required - actual works will not be accepted.

Students are expected to maintain a 2.60 grade point average and enroll in a minimum of one studio art or art history course each semester. To retain scholarship, recipients must attend department-sponsored lectures given by visiting artists and scholars, and also, submit at least one work to the annual student show. (Students are encouraged but not required to submit to local and regional shows as well.)

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