Toshiba/NSTA ExploraVision Science Competition

January 31, 2026
Awards Available: Varies

Scholarship Description

The Toshiba/NSTA ExploraVision science competition for K–12 students engages the next generation in real world problem solving with a strong emphasis on STEM. ExploraVision challenges students to envision and communicate new technology 20 years in the future through collaborative brainstorming and research of current science and technology. Beyond engaging your students in problem solving, team-based learning, critical thinking, and communication skills, ExploraVision aligns with the Next Generation Science Standards.

Scholarship Details

  • Competition focuses on envisioning and communicating future technology
  • Students work in groups of two, three, or four
  • Each team selects a current technology and envisions its future state 10 or more years ahead
  • Entrants must be full-time students in the United States, under 21 years old, and submit only one project per year

Eligibility Criteria

  • Open to K–12 students in the United States
  • Students must be full-time and currently attending a public, private, or home school
  • Participants should be younger than 21 years old

Application Process

  1. Form a team of two, three, or four students
  2. Select a current technology and research its functions, workings, and history
  3. Envision how this technology will evolve 10 or more years into the future
  4. Identify the scientific breakthroughs needed to make this future technology a reality
  5. Submit your project

Students work in groups of two, three or four, and are guided by a team coach and an optional mentor. Each team selects a technology, or an aspect of a technology, which is present in the home, school, or community, or any other technology relevant to their lives. They will explore what the technology does, how it works, and how, when, and why it was invented. The students must then project into the future what that technology could be like 10 or more years in the future and determine what scientific breakthroughs need to occur to make it a reality. Entrants must be full time student, currently enrolled in and attending a public, private, or home school in the United States. They must be younger than 21 years old, and must only submit one project per year. Scholarship Search