University of South Carolina Trustees' Award

November 15, 2025
Awards Available: Varies

Scholarship Description

The University of South Carolina Office of Undergraduate Admissions offers many different kinds of merit scholarships for freshmen who reside in South Carolina. While these awards generally cannot be combined with one another (see Presidential Scholars Award, Provost Scholars Award and USC STEM Supplement), they can be combined with a South Carolina state lottery funded scholarship, making your UofSC education even more affordable.

Applicants may receive the University of South Carolina Trustees' Award if they are an incoming freshman who is academically talented or who demonstrates financial need. This scholarship is one of our premier awards, and candidates typically present high SAT or ACT scores and an excellent GPA. Applicants must be a resident of South Carolina. This scholarship is renewable for up to four years. It may not be combined with any other Admissions Merit Award, except for the Provost Scholars Award, Presidential Scholars Award and/or University of South Carolina STEM Supplement. Scholarship Search