Do you need money for college? If you are a high school senior, college undergraduate, or vocational/trade school student, and live in Arlington Heights, Buffalo Grove, Elk Grove Village, Mt. Prospect, Prospect Heights, Rolling Meadows, or Wheeling, Illinois, and/or are currently attending or graduated from a high school in District 214, you could win a scholarship to help with the cost of education. Apply for the scholarships for which you are eligible, making sure to complete all sections, limit essay length to 150 words or less, get recommendations, request or upload your transcript(s) and provide your FAFSA Student Aid Report (SAR) with Expected Family Contribution (EFC).
Scholarship Assistance Fund Dollars for Scholars scholarships are offered to residents of Arlington Heights, Buffalo Grove, Elk Grove Village, Mount Prospect, Prospect Heights, Rolling Meadows, and Wheeling, Illinois and/or students attending or graduated from a high school in District 214. In addition to meeting the residency requirement, all applicants must: be a current high school senior or have received a high school diploma or equivalent; attend a 2 or 4 year college or university (full time) or vocational, trade or technical school (full or half time) in the upcoming school year; and have a minimum overall unweighted GPA of 3.0/4.0 for academic scholarships or 2.0/4.0 for Vocational/Trade School scholarship.