Southern Automotive Womens Forum Scholarship

March 24, 2025
Awards Available: 16

Scholarship Description

The SAWF Scholarship Program provides financial assistance to women enrolled or enrolling in a STEM field at an accredited two-year technical program, four-year undergraduate program, or a graduate program who have a minimum cumulative 2.5 GPA, with a preference for those interested in the automobile and mobility industry. Applicants must be female high school seniors or graduates enrolling or enrolled in a STEM field at an accredited two-year technical program, four-year undergraduate program or graduate program.

Preference will be given to those pursuing a career in the automotive industry and at a college or university in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, Texas and West Virginia. Applicants must include a resume, two letters of recommendation, transcripts and an essay. Scholarship Search