Military Family Support Trust

February 1, 2026
Awards Available: 12

Scholarship Description

MFST first established its scholarship program in 1993 with the award of a $2,000 grant ($500 a year for four years) to a high school senior. Over the years donations permitted increasing the number and value of the annual grants, raising the top scholarships to $12,000 with others ranging from $2,000 to $10,000. Parents, guardians, grand or great-grandparents who meet one of the following criteria: A Retired, Active Duty, National Guard, and Reserve Officer, or a Former Officer of the US Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Coast Guard, Public Health Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, i.e. Officers (O-1 thru O-10), Warrant Officers (WO-1 hru WO-5) and Non-commissioned Officers (E-5 thru E-9). This rank requirement is waived in the case of Purple Heart recipients or those who died while on active duty. More specific explanation of this requirement is given on page one of the application.

Applicants must be a high school senior with the recommendation of his/her principal and must also have a GPA of 3.0 on a 4 point grading scale. Applicants must demonstrate superior leadership skills in school and or community activities, possess moral and character attributes worthy of scholarship candidates and must maintain a “B” average (3.0 on a 4.0 scale) throughout the term of the scholarship, being re-certified annually for college attendance. Failure to do so will result in probation for one academic year. If a “B” average is not later maintained, such failure will result in disqualification and forfeiture of the unused portion of the scholarship. You may only apply for one scholarship and must return completed application to arrive at the MFST corporate office no later than no later than February 1st of the high school senior’s last semester. Awards are provided yearly and announced in April. Scholarship Search