The Pennsylvania Chafee Education and Training Grant Program is offered to Pennsylvania undergraduate students aging out of foster care who are attending an eligible post-secondary institution. Eligible applicants must: be eligible for services under Pennsylvania's John H. Chafee Foster Care Program for Successful Transition to Adulthood; be identified as a youth in foster care or a youth discharged or adopted from foster care at age 16; haven't reached the age of 26 by July 1 of the upcoming academic year; demonstrate financial need; not be in default of any loans; and haven't received Chafee ETG for 5 years (consecutive or not), defined as 10 semesters or the equivalent, for undergraduate study.
This federally funded program offers grants to Pennsylvania undergraduate students aging out of foster care who are attending an eligible postsecondary institution. PHEAA administers the Chafee ETG Program on behalf of the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services as authorized under the Foster Care Independence Act of 1999 and amended by the Promoting Safe and Stable Families Amendments of 2001 and the Family First Prevention Services Act of 2017.