ASGC Undergraduate Teacher Education Scholarship

March 3, 2025
Awards Available: Varies

Scholarship Description

A major goal of the Alabama Space Grant Consortium (ASGC) is to develop programs that will help improve the science and mathematics education of all students, and thereby provide a more scientifically literate population. To this end the nation needs an increased supply of students, well-prepared individuals who are fully qualified to teach mathematics and science in our elementary and secondary schools. To encourage talented individuals to pursue studies leading to teaching certification in the sciences and mathematics, the ASGC has established a competitive, undergraduate teacher education scholarship program to complement its existing science and engineering-based scholarships.

The objective of the Undergraduate Teacher Education Scholarship opportunity is to encourage students pursue degrees leading to become teachers of the sciences and mathematics. The Undergraduate Teacher Education Scholarship applicants must meet the following requirements: applicants must be a US citizen; applicants must have a 3.0 GPA; and applicants must be enrolled as a full-time student (minimum of 12 credit hours) during the upcoming academic year and must be on a track that would qualify them to teach in a pre-college setting. Preference will be given to those majoring in the sciences and mathematics, especially earth, space and environmental science. Scholarship Search