TKE International Exchange Scholarship

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Scholarship Description

The TKE International Exchange Scholarship was established to deepen the knowledge and foster friendships between members of Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity and members of the Weinhiem Senior Convent of the German Student Corps. A core objective would be to support exchange visits between members of both groups to the TKE Conclave in the U.S. and respectively to the Weinheimtagung in Germany to enhance inter-organizational relationships and joint memberships. With such exchanges, greater historical and cultural understanding would be achieved, leading to personal growth and bonding between members. Dollar amounts will vary.

All of the TKE Foundation leadership and scholarship awards are for the benefit of active collegiate members of Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity, as of March 15, as defined by The Black Book Article VI Section 2 unless otherwise specified. The International Exchange Scholarship is open to members in good standing of either organization who are interested in building international understanding, keyed to the principals of TKE and the Corps. Applicants are required to research the other organization and to submit an essay (500-750 words) providing a concise explanation of the founding principles and member educational objectives of the Student Corps. Essays should be submitted in English. Scholarship Search