This “Celebrating Cultural Muslims” competition is a creative opportunity to explore Cultural Muslim Identity. Address one of the question prompts by submitting an essay, drawing, short video, audio recording, or photograph. Use the online form to enter. Entries will be reviewed by a panel of celebrity judges. People of cultural Muslim heritage are a growing part of America’s national tapestry – and a growing influence in American society. Hailing from diverse backgrounds, we cultural Muslims engage in a classic American tradition of creating roots infused modern identities. Muslim heritage becomes one component of our layered individual experiences. Write an essay or make a multimedia entry answering one of the listed questions.
There are specific requirements for different kinds of entries: written essays should be between 600-1200 words; photographs or other visual art entries should be high-resolution images; videos should be between 1-5 minutes; and audio recordings should be between 1-5 minutes. All entries must be written in English, and they must be the original work of the person entering the contest.