To be eligible for the Nebraska Veterinary Medical Association Scholarships, applicants must: have completed two semesters of veterinary education and pursuing completion of the professional program; be a graduate of a Nebraska High School or State of Nebraska approved home school program; and must have at least a 3.0 GPA. There are no restrictions or special favorable consideration as to race, marital status, sex, religious affiliation, physical limitations or otherwise. Dollar amounts will vary.
The Nebraska Veterinary Medical Association is pleased to announce the availability of scholarships to Nebraska veterinary students pursuing a degree in Veterinary Medicine on a full time basis at an accredited institution. The NVMA Centennial Scholarship Foundation, Inc. was established following the Association’s Centennial Year in 1996. The “seed money” to establish the foundation and provide for its first scholarship was provided by the sale of 150 limited edition bronze sculptures. Additional scholarships have been established by generous contributors. In 2021, the NVMA transferred the Dr. O.H. and Ruth Person Memorial Scholarship funds to NCSF for administration purposes.