To be eligible for The Desk and Derrick Educational Trust Scholarship, applicants must complete at least two years or are currently enrolled in the second year of undergraduate study at an accredited college or university. Applicants must maintain a grade point average of 3.2 or above (or 80% and above for Canada), demonstrate need for financial assistance in pursuing a college degree, be a citizen of the United States or Canada and plan a career in the petroleum, energy or allied industry, or research and development of alternative fuels such as coal, electric, solar, wind hydroelectric, nuclear, and ethanol. Dollar amounts will vary.
The Desk and Derrick Educational Trust (ET) was created in 1982 by the Association of Desk and Derrick Clubs (ADDC) for the purpose of awarding annual scholarships to students attending accredited colleges and universities offering degrees in geology, chemical and petroleum engineering. Since its inception in 1982, ET’s mission remains unchanged to build the future of the petroleum, energy and allied industries through scholarships while meeting the support and trust of Desk and Derrick members and industry donors.