HIAS College & Young Adult Scholarships

March 1, 2025
Awards Available: 10

Scholarship Description

Since 1991, through the generosity of HIAS Immigration & Citizenship (HIAS)’s friends and supporters, HIAS has been fortunate to provide academic scholarships to an extremely impressive group of individuals who immigrated or whose family immigrated to the Chicago area with the assistance of HIAS or who accessed HIAS’ services once in the United States. These undergraduate and graduate scholarships include numerous awards. Dollar amounts will vary.

The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society of Chicago (HIAS Chicago) began in the hearts and deeds of the Chicago Jewish community around 1900. In order to apply, you must be a Jewish immigrant to the United States who immigrated with his or her family with the assistance of HIAS Chicago; a U.S.-born child or grandchild of a Jewish immigrant to the U.S. who was assisted by HIAS Chicago and have applied for permanent residency (i.e. a "green card") or citizenship with the assistance of HIAS Chicago.

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