Wyoming Space Grant Undergraduate Fellowships

March 12, 2025
Awards Available: 15

Scholarship Description

Each year the Wyoming Space Grant Consortium (WSGC) awards fellowships to undergraduate students attending the University of Wyoming or one of Wyoming’s community colleges to provide the student with the opportunity to do “real” research. Undergraduates who are interested in science, math, engineering and technology careers gain valuable experience participating in research projects, while non-science majors broaden their educations with a research experience. The principle objective of the program is to provide students with a positive and rewarding research experience. Research projects can be conducted during the academic year, summer, or both. Applicants must be U.S. citizens.

Funding is intended to be used for student hourly wages at a rate of $12.00/hour while working on the research project (timesheets will be submitted). It is critical that the hours projected for student work are realistic considering other commitments the student might have. Funding may not be used for: tuition to attend special institutes or off-campus programs, international travel, advisor salary, page charges, or equipment purchases costing more than $1000.

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