National Veteran Achievement Program

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Scholarship Description

Each year, the Jewish War Veterans of the USA sponsors an essay contest for current service members and veterans who plan to attend or are currently attending a graduate degree program. The National Achievement Program is for veterans or active duty personnel to go back to school. Several grants are awarded annually to applications. The National Achievement Program is open to anyone regardless of race, religion, creed, or culture. All veterans are eligible and must be legal residents of the USA.

In addition to completing the application, applicants must also submit: their most recent transcript (high school or college), a copy of a college acceptance letter, and proof of honorable military service, such as a copy of a DD-214, military ID card, etc.; and a 400-500 word essay explaining how their military experience help them pursue your career goals (essays must include basic information about the applicant). The Jewish War Veterans Foundation (JWVF) was created in 2010 as a way to directly give back to the veteran community and to support American active duty military personnel, as well as all honorably discharged veterans, and those who were physically and mentally wounded as a result of their service. Scholarship Search