ASH Foundation Graduate Student Scholarships

May 16, 2025
Awards Available: 24

Scholarship Description

The American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation (ASHFoundation) invites full-time students who will be or who are currently enrolled in a communication sciences and disorders graduate program to apply for graduate scholarships. Scholarships are available to students who are undergraduate seniors or who are currently pursuing master's or doctoral degrees. Both research and clinical doctorate students are eligible.

Scholarship Details

  • Up to 15 general scholarships of $5,000 each.
  • Endowed scholarships for international, minority, and NSSLHA students.
  • Scholarships support master’s and doctoral (clinical or research) programs.
  • Funds must be used for full-time study during the academic year.
  • Applicants must not have previously received an ASHFoundation scholarship.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Accepted or enrolled in a U.S.-based communication sciences and disorders graduate program.
  • Programs must be accredited or in candidacy status by the Council on Academic Accreditation (for clinical programs).
  • Must be enrolled full-time for the entire academic year.
  • Submit university transcripts showing academic coursework and GPA.
  • Provide three confidential letters of recommendation (at least two from academic faculty).
  • Must not have received a prior scholarship from the ASHFoundation.

Application Process

  1. Complete the online Student Information Form and indicate interest in endowed scholarships, if applicable.
  2. Upload a Letter of Application (PDF, max 2 pages) detailing academic goals and motivation.
  3. Submit a Letter of Acceptance (new graduate students) or Statement of Good Standing (current graduate students).
  4. Provide a transcript from your current university (student versions accepted).
  5. Write an essay (PDF, max 1,500 words) addressing the essay question related to DEI, health disparities, or ableism/disablism.
  6. Secure three confidential letters of recommendation highlighting academic promise, initiative, and commitment to the field.

Scholarship funding is to be directed toward educational support (tuition, books, school-related expenses, living expenses, etc.) and not for personal or professional travel. Scholarship Search