BMO Capital Markets Lime Connect Equity Through Education Scholarship

April 8, 2025
Awards Available: 13

Scholarship Description

The future of banking starts with you. Lime Connect is pleased to be an Equity Through Education partner of BMO Capital Markets to provide scholarships for students with disabilities. Launched in 2005, Equity Through Education helps people achieve their dreams by getting the opportunity to develop themselves through education, and the program builds a diverse workforce. Selected recipients receive $10,000 USD (students in the US) or $5,000 USD (students in Canada) to support their future studies.

Eligibility Requirements

  • A current undergraduate or graduate student at a four-year university in the United States or Canada (the graduate program itself, e.g., business school, might be shorter in length)
  • Continuing studies as a full-time student with a minimum 40% course load
  • Pursuing a degree in business/commerce, computer science, engineering, math, physics, statistics, or a related discipline
  • Interested in a career in Financial Services with a focus on Capital Markets preferred
  • A person with a (visible or non-visible) disability (defined as someone who has, or considers themselves to have, a long-term or recurring, issue that impacts one or more major activities that others may consider to be a daily function); this definition also includes the perception among others that a disability exists. We know that 90% of disabilities on campus are invisible, and candidates with all disabilities are encouraged to apply
  • Previous BMO Capital Markets Lime Connect Equity Through Education scholars and applicants are encouraged to apply again if they remain eligible

Application Process

  • Log in or join The Lime Community platform as a Network Member.
  • Inside the Community Platform, visit the Jobs and Programs page to find the link to our online application system where you will provide:
    • Contact and education information
    • A current copy of resume/CV
    • Copy of current university transcripts
    • Answer to an essay question related to your career goals in financial services and why you believe you should be selected as a BMO Capital Markets Lime Connect Equity Through Education Scholar
    • One letter of reference from a professor, advisor, supervisor, etc.

Applicants are also encouraged to apply for the BMO Capital Markets Summer Internship program. An additional award will be granted to one US and one Canadian intern of $5,000 USD. Please see the separate links located in the application for US and Canadian students. Scholarship Search