R. Gene and Nancy D. Richter Foundation

January 24, 2026
Awards Available: 6

Scholarship Description

The R. Gene and Nancy D. Richter Foundation and the R. Gene Richter Scholarship fund at ISM will provide a $15,000 scholarship to individuals seeking education in supply management, supply chain management or procurement. An eligible student will be in his or her senior year during the academic year the scholarship is awarded and be enrolled full-time in an accredited supply management, supply chain management or procurement program with the intention of specializing in the supply management profession.

Recipients of this award have earned outstanding grades. Transcripts are looked at very closely. Past winners have been involved and active participants in campus activities and are usually an officer in one of the organizations. Others have led charitable efforts within their communities. Applicants must be U.S. Citizens or permanent residents who: demonstrate high academic achievement; have demonstrated strong leadership ability; have demonstrated high ethical standards, and have made a strong commitment to pursuing a career in the field of supply management. Applications run from the middle of September until the due date.

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