Iowa State University Benjamin and Patricia Allen Scholarship

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Scholarship Description

To be eligible for the Benjamin and Patricia Allen Scholarship, applicants shall be enrolled in the Ivy College of Business full-time. Preference shall be given to first generation students which is defined as a student whose parents have not graduated from an institute of higher education with a four-year degree. This scholarship shall be made available to undergraduate students. This scholarship may be renewed for an additional three years so long as recipients continue to meet stated criteria (including a 3.0 GPA). Deadlines will vary, depending on your grade level and status. Dollar amounts will also differ, so inquire with the university for further details.

More opportunities. More possibilities. More potential. With more than 100 majors in six undergraduate colleges to choose from, you can customize your academic journey to maximize your impact in the world. From your first step on campus, you will be surrounded by world-renowned professors, resume-building opportunities, and state-of-the-art facilities to help you accomplish your dreams. Iowa State University offers numerous fields to major in, including agriculture, business, design, engineering, human sciences and liberal arts. Scholarship Search