UMW Morningstar Traditional & Non-Traditional Scholarship

See Description
February 1, 2026
Awards Available: Varies

Scholarship Description

The University of Montana Western offers the Morningstar Scholarships to Montana residents. The Traditional Scholarship is awarded to a student with a minimum 2.5 GPA (preference given to a Madison County resident). The Non-Traditional Scholarship is awarded to an “older” student (who have not gone directly from high to school to college) with a minimum 2.5 GPA (preference given to a Madison County resident). There is not a guaranteed dollar amount, as it will vary. There is also no specified deadline, but the priority deadline is February 1st.

The University of Montana Western Foundation exists to inspire generosity and connect donors with their passions in order to promote access and excellence in higher education at the University of Montana Western. With this in mind, the Montana Western Foundation cultivates donor and alumni relationships, assists students with scholarship support and assists with program and capital project support across the university. Scholarship Search